Pin heat sink systems
ALUTRONIC heat sink and SEPA Fan
From the fusion of ALUTRONIC heat sinks and SEPA fans the HXB models have been created. A combination, with which the fan distributes air through the heat sink for optimal cooling. The coolers of the latest generation achieve a high flow rate with very low values of power consumption. As a result of the computer-supported development of the wing geometry, even the noise development has been optimised, and thus, the noise generated by a typical rotor speed of 11,000 rpm-1 is very quiet with a sound level of 21 dB(A) (e.g. HXB25B12). Another plus point is the long service life of 70,000 / 350,000 hours (L10 / MTBF at 40°C). Moreover, the chip coolers have an electronically commuted motor whose motor winding is switched by a special IC. By a selection of suitable electronic components and high-quality ball bearings, the reliability of the fans is achieved at operating temperatures between -10 and +80 °C.
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