Alutronic becomes more energy efficient!

Jan. 9, 2017 | category: News - Alutronic

ALUTRONIC is part of the nationwide initiative "Energy Efficiency Networks"There are over 100 networks of 8-15 companies across Germany.


The aim is to identify energy saving potentials at the network level, to set energy efficiency targets and to support each other in achieving the goals. According to an energy audit, Alutronic has identified some energy saving potentials and taken appropriate measures to implement these potentials.


Based on energy consumption 2015, Alutronic will save 310,000 kWh of energy (120,000 kWh of electricity and 190,000 kWh of natural gas) by the end of 2019.This corresponds to a saving of 120t CO2 emissions. This is relatively simple, is extremely economical and good for the environment.


As a download, you will also find some general information about the energy efficiency networks. Are you interested in further information? Then please contact: