Climate Protection, Sustainability and Responsibility

Under the heading "Climate Protection, Sustainability, Responsibility", 25 participants were informed about corporate social responsibility, CSR.

Jan. 4, 2017 | category: News - Alutronic


Behind it lies the connection of ecological, social and economic responsibility in companies. The concept of an honorary merchant was not an invention of modern times, but had always been part of entrepreneurial activity. But more and more companies are expected. More commitment to the region, a more careful handling of the finite resources or the active commitment to environmental protection. Since 2014 there have also been a legal basis for these demands: the EU Directive on the "donation of non-financial, diversity-related information", which must be transposed into national law later this year. It states that certain large companies must make a corresponding statement in their annual reports, which indicates the impact of the company's activities on environmental, social and employee concerns, human rights and the fight against corruption.

Existing activities are to be collected and named, and through the appropriate presentation a positive benefit for the company is generated. "Numerous large groups are already drawing up sustainability reports on a voluntary basis and publishing the results. The necessary information is frequently asked by customers and suppliers, including small and medium-sized enterprises, or can be found as a requirement formulated in tenders. The other speakers presented an example of how to use this information and how it can be used strategically for companies.

Tim Schlachtenrodt, Managing Director of Alutronic GmbH, emphasized the high value of the activities. One of his main focuses in the field of CSR was the accounting of his firm's CO2 emissions. With the help of the efficiency agency NRW, the processes as well as the energy and material flows in the company were analyzed and a carbon footprint was prepared. Schlachtenrodt summarized one of the key results: "If we sell less material due to product optimization, the customer saves money, while our pro rata gross profit increases and the climate is spared. Everyone wins. "

Source: SIHK Magazine: South Westphalian Economy October 2016