Climate-neutral heat sinks from Alutronic!

Your contribution to climate protection with heat sinks from Alutronic!

21 janvier 2020 | catégorie: News - Alutronic

Use our climate neutral heat sinks as a sales argument for your product or as part of your own climate protection efforts.

From 2020, all heat sinks manufactured by Alutronic are climate neutral.

You may receive a certificate regarding this free of charge on request!


Alutronic has been a climate neutral company since 2015. 

Since then, we have drawn up a carbon footprint of our carbon emissions every year. 

From this we derive measures to reduce these emissions. 


Since 2015, we have:


- reduced our energy requirements by 3% relative to the production volume

- converted 100% to sustainable power sources

- reduced scrap

- reduced packaging and consumption materials

- developed more material-efficient heat sinks together with customers

- compensated for 1,015t of the carbon emissions we caused directly from 2015 to 2018 (e.g. gas for heating, fuel for fleet).



Therefore, since 2015 we have been able to call ourselves a climate neutral company.


Aluminium accounts for 88.4% of all our company’s carbon emissions (or 2,750 t CO2, see corporate carbon footprint 2018).


In 2015, this proportion was 93.3% (or 3,282 t CO2). This is an improvement by 5.1% (or 532 t CO2).


We have achieved the improvement thanks to a better data situation in relation to the recycling proportion of our primary material as well as purchase decisions in favour of the suppliers with a higher proportion of secondary aluminium in the raw materials mix.


After all, the weight ratio of aluminium to emitted CO2 is approximately 1:10 for primary aluminium and 1:2 for secondary aluminium, i.e. recycled aluminium. 


Aluminium accounts for a large part not just of our company carbon footprint, but also of your product carbon footprint.


Thus, from 2020, we are compensating for the carbon emissions for the manufacture AND material of our heat sinks.


On request, you will receive a certificate regarding this for your Alutronic heat sink – an example of this can be found further below – as a sales argument towards your customers, as proof for your own carbon footprint, for internal communication or simply as a further reason to opt for Alutronic products.


Climate protection is a very extensive topic that we address actively. Today, Alutronic already benefits from more efficient and more sustainable operations. 

We would gladly pass this benefit on to you.



Would you like a certificate for your Alutronic products? Do you have questions? Suggestions?

Feel free to contact us directly. We look forward to your feedback!


Please e-mail: or ask you sales contact at Alutronic about it!


By the way, we compensate our carbon footprint by investing into a forrest protection project in Santa Maria, Brazil. Click here for more information!