Alutronic is climate-neutral!

At Alutronic, we invest in forest protection projects in Santa Maria (Brazil) to balance our CO2 emissions.

14 août 2017 | catégorie: News - Alutronic

Climate change and climate protection are hotly debated issues.

Ecological action, sustainability and corporate responsibility are concepts that often provoke a lot of finger pointing.




At Alutronic, we are convinced that ecological action also means economic action, which is why climate protection is part of our program.


We are convinced that resource efficiency, use of renewable energy sources and respectful treatment of the environment is crucial to safeguard the quality of life for future generations.

We also think it offers you, as our customers, the advantage to have made not only the most economical but also the most ecologically sensible decision with a heat sink from Alutronic.


This is why, since 2015, we have sourced our power solely from renewable energy sources, taken part in the Regional Network for Energy Efficiency and committed to reducing our CO2 emissions by 20% by 2020.


For more information and certificates on our climate protection project, please visit: